The Promise
"I've Got You, Babe"
A promise that was made to me
Before the foundations of the world were laid in place
A promise kept and a promise delivered
This is my testimony
A song of love
I have more questions than answers
I am just the story teller
"Deliver me out of mire and let me not sink" Psalm 69:14
On the banks of many rivers and especially the Great Nile there are many deep deposits of black mud. Should a person step into the soft mud he can be sucked down and the more he struggles the harder it is to get out.
Gasby in his travel book "Wanderings" written in the 1800's tells the story of witnessing a boat that became stuck in the shallow water. A man jumped to try and pull the boat to shore. He heard the man scream and start to struggle. He was sinking in quicksand and the more he struggled the deeper he sank. The men in the other boat quickly swam to him. By the time they managed to pull him out he had sunk to his chest in the filthy mud.
Many years ago, I lay in a coma close to death
In my dream or a vision I saw myself lying in bed
The bed was floating
I seemed to be lying on the bed held up by invisible hands
Hands I could feel but could not see
Wrapped around the bed and holding the bed firmly in place
Creating gravity that surrounded the bed
Gravity from another world
Under the bed was swirling black waters
I knew the waters represented death
It was all one image
Seeing it
Feeling it
Being it
Outside, but inside myself
A voice spoke softly into my frightened spirit
"I've got you'
"Let go"
Outside in another room my family was preparing for my death
However, God said
"Not this day"
"How can I say thanks
For the things you have done for me
Things so undeserved
Yet you prove your love for me
The voices of a thousand angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am or ever hope to be
I owe it all to Thee." - Andre Crouch
"Blessed is the person that endured temptation, for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love him. Let no man when he is tempted say I am tempted of God; for God can not be tempted with evil nor does he tempt any person. But every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed. Then when lust has conceived it brings forth sin and sin, when it is finished brings forth death." - James 1:15
The darkest waters below me
Far darker than physical death
Is the lure of sin
It is Christ alone
That delivered me from its grip.
"With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory for the things He has done." - Andrea Crouch
"In loving -kindness Jesus came
My soul in mercy to reclaim
And from the depths of sin and shame
Through grace He lifted me
In sinking sand He lifted me
With tender hand He lifted me
In shades of light to plains of light
Oh praise His name
He lifted me
Now on a higher plane I dwell
And with my soul I know 'tis well
Yet how or why, I cannot tell
Why He lifted me."
Oh praise His name, He lifted me. - Charles H. Gabriel
"He lifted me out of the pit of death, out of the mud and filth and set my feet on a solid rock."