Glory sings redemption's song
Dancing to the music of our salvation
This is the song of celebration
This is the music of the Great Romance
Angelic music creates the dance
Let the trees of the forest dance for joy
Our Redeemer lives
For evermore
Glorious symphony the angels sing
Ushering the New Year in
Looking back on the path we have trod
Leaning into the promises of God
Promises given
Promises kept
While the world lay sleeping
He never slept
Times of silence
Times of reflection
Times of joy and celebration
This is a Sacred Symphony
Overwhelmed with his glory
Visiting me
Indeed my passion can not be quenched
This is the music of the Great Romance
Dancing before Jesus my Lord
Glory is coming to this world
Breaking News
We proclaim
Jesus Christ is coming again
He is coming to restore the earth
The Man of Justice
The Man of Truth
In the light of this new dawn
Glory sings redemption's song
Dancing to the music of our salvation
This is the song of our celebration
This is the song of the Great Romance
Come and join me in the dance
Glorious symphony the angels sing
Ushering the New Year in
/j.smith 2021
"Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice!
Let the sea and everything shout his praise
Let the fields and their crops burst out for joy
Let the trees of the forest sing for joy
Before the Lord, for he is coming
He is coming to judge the earth
He will judge the world with justice
And the nations with his truth"
/Psalm 96