Image by Amanda Lagerquist (my granddaughter)
"I pushed the window open and climbed through and curled up on the cold basement floor and fell into an uneasy sleep.
Wounded and bruised.
"If the police find you here, they will arrest you."
I woke up to a man tapping on the window.
I took his hand and he led me to a small room and settled me down on a sofa.
A grand piano took up most of the room.
He sat down at the piano.
He started to play.
The man's hands danced across the piano keys and the heavenly sounds
carried me to another world
The music became a part of my body, swirling around my wounds with healing power.
The room was filled with a scent, the fragrance of peace
Healing my mind and healing my soul.
My eyes lids grew heavy and soon they closed.
When the morning came, he was gone."
-excerpt from Outside the Gate.
Mercy comes with many faces
In the heavenly realm of graces
The Messiah has come
He is here with us
We are shaped by him
Shaped by the cross
Living waters filling my soul
Cleansing waters making me whole
Restoring to me all that was lost
Shaped by Jesus
Shaped by the cross
The Messiah has come
He is here with us
We are shaped by him
Shaped by the cross
Mercy comes with many faces
In the heavenly realm of graces.
"Anyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again
But those who drink of the water I give will never be thirsty again
It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them,
Giving eternal life." (John 4:13 -NLT)