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Updated: Apr 15, 2022

Image by my son Ron


Living in the presence, under the authority of, and to the glory of God


Jesus Christ upon the cross

Revealed to the world the Face of God

First reflection

Then to my knees

Head bowed down

Releasing tears

Visions of agony

Visions of pain

For my own life

He made the exchange

Jesus Christ upon the cross

Revealed to me the Face of God

Around me, over me

I stand under

Living my life

In joy and wonder

Under God's authority

To his honor and glory

Restore to us the sacred vision

On the cross our sins are forgiven

You are the King, who became a slave

Shedding your life blood

So we could be saved

It is finished! It is done!

Our souls have found mercy

Our Redeemer has won

We do not press against his veins

He does not die

Again and again

The death he died once for all

Jesus has answered the sinner's call

Within me, over me

I stand under

Living my life

In joy and wonder

Under God's authority

To his honor and glory

The image of God

Has entered our midst

Truth and mercy and righteousness have kissed

Oh, Lord Jesus

You emptied yourself

Stripped of all prestige and wealth

Giving up your reputation

You did it all for our salvation

You did not consider the heavy cost

You surrendered it all

On the cross

Jesus Christ upon the cross

Revealed to us the face of God.


"Though he was God, He did not think equality with God as something to cling to.

Instead, he gave up his divine privileges

He took the humble position of a slave

And was born as a human being

When he appeared in human form

He humbled himself in obedience to God

And died a criminal's death on a cross."

(Philippians 2: 6-8)

"But the Unique One, who is himself God is near to the Father's heart. He has revealed God to us."

( John 1:18)


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