"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." Psalm 20:7
Darkness was falling and the streets had narrowed
Foolishly unafraid
I walked alone in the early night
Shadows were moving silently around me
I was walking away the loneliness
A presence came from behind me and started walking beside me
"Child, where are you going?" he asked gently
He called me a child as I looked like one
Sixteen years old and a slip of a girl
I looked at him, startled in the night
I saw a young policeman in uniform
"This is not a safe place for you. Where are your parents?" he asked.
"I have no parents."
Now he looked at me with surprise and unbelief.
"I am sixteen!" I said proudly
"I am taking you home," he said
We walked the long way home and he talked to a lonely girl. With kindness, stopping whatever he was doing that night to bring healing to a child's wounded heart. He explained to me as a young father, the danger I was in, and safely brought me home to the front door of the residence, and went in and talked to the lady that manned the desk. On our long walk I talked to him and told him some of my sorrows. In just a few moments in time he became my father.
These people would appear in and out of my life. Strands of gold, the strands of grace, strands in the dark fabric of my life, woven relentlessly over the years bringing healing to a wounded heart.
A policeman interrupted,
A policeman available
A policeman approached
Providing healing in a dark night J.Smith/ excerpt from the book /Outside The Gate
A twelve year old girl lay close to death
A father cried out for healing
The father was a man of great power, a ruler in the synagogue
As Jesus walked in the middle of a great crowd of people
The man threw himself down at the feet of The Healer
"My little daughter is dying.
Please come and place your hands on her so that she will be healed and live."
So, Jesus, the Savior interrupted, went with him.
As He walked another woman was there
For twelve years she had suffered
Her suffering had brought her another enemy
She was considered unclean because of her sickness
for twelve years unable to enter the synagogue and pray
She had suffered and was considered unclean
In the crowd, she came up behind Jesus and touched His cloak
"If I touch his clothes, I will be healed."
Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from suffering!
At once Jesus realized that power had gone from Him.
"Who touched my clothes?" He asked
The woman fell at his feet trembling with fear.
She told him the whole truth -(Shame was gone too!)
"Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
Physical suffering and the mental anguish of shame healed by This Healer
While Jesus was speaking a man came from the house of the father
"Your daughter is dead." they said.
"Why bother the teacher any more?"
Ignoring what they said Jesus told the ruler
"Don't be afraid; just believe."
He went where the child was and took her by the hand (the laws forbade the touching of bodies)
"Talitha koum!"
Little lamb, I say get up!"
Immediately the girl stood up and walked around
excerpts from the gospel of Mark, chapter 5
A Savior approached
A Savior interrupted
A Savior available
A Savior providing healing in a dark night
"To him that overcomes the foe
White raiment will be given
Before the angels he shall know
The same confessed in heaven
Then onward from the hills of light
Our hearts with love aflame
Will vanquish all the hosts of night
In Jesus conquering name
Faith is the victory
Faith is the victory
Faith is the victory
That overcomes the world. /Ira D. Sankey
"The Lord is my light and my salvation
Whom then shall I fear
The Lord is the stronghold of my life
Whom shall I dread?
Even if my father and my mother abandon me
The Lord will take me up." from Psalm 27